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Quantum Lace Earns The Literary Classics Seal of Approval

More good news!  I am SO proud of Bridgit…

Here is the review they posted when they announced Quantum Lace had earned the Literary Classics International Seal of Approval:

In 1895 Lady Bridgit’s dream is interrupted by a lucid encounter with a man named Markus, a person living in the future.  Shrugging the encounter off as nothing more than a vivid dream she nearly forgets about the incident.  Then one day something happens which calls to question everything she ever believed to be true.  Thus, begins the magnificent tale of Quantum Lace, a novella.

There are books out there about time travel that we’ve all read and enjoyed.  But this one is so entirely plausible, so highly engaging, that one can’t help but wonder if the concept of time travel is not only possible, but is perhaps undeniably real.  Taking science fiction to a whole new level, Quantum Lace is a book that will have readers packing their bags in preparation for their own expedition to an alternate place in time.  With a strong female protagonist and a cast of other well-developed characters, this book is sure to hit a home run with hard-to-please audiences and will leave them itching to get started on the next installment in the series.

At this moment, I am sitting at one of my favourite writing ‘establishments’ (aka place where they are friendly, I can curl up for hours in comfort, and they serve good wine!  LOL!) and about to dive back into writing Book Three…

Receiving this news was such wonderful inspiration to get this next book finished!

It’s funny…  Even with all the really cool and, on occasion, extraordinary things I have achieved in life, I truly feel this series is the best thing I have ever done…  Ever.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your encouragement and for loving Bridgit and her journey…

~ Bella

I was thrilled just now to receive an email advising me that Bridgit (my Quantum Lace series) was awarded an "Honorable Mention" in the New York Book Festival! I am currently (at the time of writing this post) writing Book Three and expect to have it published within the next…
What's really funny is that when I just read the email advising me that Bridgit's series had been awarded a silver medal - the first thing I thought wasn't "that's sooooo cool!" - it was "hmmmmmm, what do I need to do to get her to GOLD?!" Anyway, am already…

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