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Contact Leigh (Bella) St John

Because I now live a ‘global laptop-lifestyle’, below you will find Skype numbers for various countries that will reach me no matter where in the world I may be.

As Thoreau said,

“Go forth boldly in the direction of your dreams; live the life you’ve imagined.”

Wishing you a truly magical day and looking forward to hearing from you!

~ Bella

Lady Leigh (Bella) St John

EMAIL:  admin@leighstjohn.com


AUSTRALIA – Gold Coast:  +61 (075) 641-1355

UNITED KINGDOM – London:  +44 (752) 063-3507

UNITED STATES – Las Vegas:  +1 (702) 276-6361

Ireland:  +353 (061) 748-955

Canada:  +1 (902) 200-9108

Estonia +372 712 2513

Hungary +36 21 2525909

Romania +40 373 78 31 00

Sweden +46 18 490 23 50