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Literary Classics Top Honors Book Awards honoring excellence in literature for children and young adults

Quantum Lace is Silver Medal Award Winner in International Book Awards

What’s really funny is that when I just read the email advising me that Bridgit’s series had been awarded a silver medal – the first thing I thought wasn’t “that’s sooooo cool!” – it was “hmmmmmm, what do I need to do to get her to GOLD?!”

Anyway, am already working on Book Three so stand by………….

~ Bella

More good news!  I am SO proud of Bridgit... Here is the review they posted when they announced Quantum Lace had earned the Literary Classics International Seal of Approval: In 1895 Lady Bridgit’s dream is interrupted by a lucid encounter with a man named Markus, a person living in the…
You know those weeks where nothing of great significance in the overall scheme of the world has happened, but yet there have been so many little amazing things that together the week has felt quite extraordinary? I have been struck several times this week with the thought that today -…

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