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Quantum Lace Awarded ‘Honorable Mention’ in NY Book Festival

I was thrilled just now to receive an email advising me that Bridgit (my Quantum Lace series) was awarded an “Honorable Mention” in the New York Book Festival!

I am currently (at the time of writing this post) writing Book Three and expect to have it published within the next few weeks.

While I do not write Bridgit’s books in order to get accolades, I must admit, I am so very delighted when her story (and the research that goes into writing it) is acknowledged in such a way…

OK, back to writing..!

~ Bella

I live an amazing life many people say they could only dream of living... but when it comes down to it - therein actually lies one of the keys to living an extraordinary life - 'dreaming' that you can! However, that's where most people stop. We have all heard that…
More good news!  I am SO proud of Bridgit... Here is the review they posted when they announced Quantum Lace had earned the Literary Classics International Seal of Approval: In 1895 Lady Bridgit’s dream is interrupted by a lucid encounter with a man named Markus, a person living in the…

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