I love these tips from Healthy Tipping Point:
“If you’ve ever trained for a race, you know this is true. A training plan is based on this philosophy. Over time, efforts build on each other, transforming you from a couch potato to a runner. At Week 1, it’s hard to imagine that you’ll ever been able to accomplish the workouts in Week 8, but by Week 6, your daily efforts have compounded and that long run seems more attainable.
So while I value big fitness goals, I believe the bread-and-butter of healthy living is really in the choices you make every day. The small efforts are how you get to the big goals. Every day, you must wake up and make the choice to craft the life you want to live. It’s a decision that you make over and over again.
Here are five of my favorite ways to recharge your fitness routine. The suggestions are simple, but I promise – they’ll add up to something awesome.”
…continue reading here: http://www.healthytippingpoint.com/2014/01/5-ideas-to-recharge-your-fitness-routine.html