I don’t know about you, but when I’m feeling less than my bright-eyed, bushy-tailed self, rather than talk about it – which only usually makes me feel worse and puts a downer on the day of the poor soul with whom I decided to share my misery – I tend to closet myself away either at home or taking a drive in my beloved car, and immerse myself in watching or listening to inspirational stories from others.
There’s something very powerful about hearing that Jim Carey started with nothing and every night would drive up to Mulholland Drive and ‘imagine’ what his life would be like when he achieved his dreams…
Or hearing the story of JK Rowling who, although she was a single mother and one step away from being homeless, still believed in ‘Harry Potter’ and even prophesized the fact in the first book, “There will be books written about Harry, every child in our world will know his name”.
Or Sara Blakely starting with the last of her savings, and out of her garage creating a business empire that, by 2014, had her listed as the 93rd most powerful woman in the world by Forbes Magazine.
Life happens… We all have our ups and downs – but as Charles Swindoll said, “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”
I learned some time ago that it’s important to prepare for when those moments of doubt, fear or worry hit – thankfully they don’t hit often, but when they do – to have already a prepared course of action – one I don’t need to think about, but is already there waiting for me…
“Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.” Confucius
My course of action? I created a YouTube playlist of videos that inspire me, motivate me, make me think and make me smile… From Wallace Wattles’ incredible work, to Will Smith’s thoughts on how to be a success… This ever-evolving group of videos is my go-to place for inspiration when I need it.
Here’s the link if you’d like to take a look: bit.ly/youtubeinspiring
Who inspires you and what is your course of action for those moments when you need a dose of whatever it takes to get you our of your slump and back on track?
I’d love to hear your thoughts…
Image courtesy Hartwig HKD