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How old is too old – and are YOU too old?

Are you too old?  That’s actually a loaded question…

Astronaut_U_S__Senator_John_GlennOn the weekend I watched a documentary on PBS about John Glenn.

While many know of – and even remember – his inspiring flight in 1962 as the first American into orbit, what I didn’t know was that while he was a sitting Senator and holding down that position, he was training for yet another space flight and in 1998 he became the only astronaut to have been a part of both the Mercury and Discovery missions…

…at the age of 77!


Last week my dear friend and glorious human being, Werner Berger, spent his birthday in Africa.

While that may be amazing to some, what I find to be the truly amazing fact is that…

It was his 78th birthday, 3 days after his 5th Mt. Kilimanjaro climb!!!


As a society, we are told you’re too young or too old; or too fat or too thin; or too this or too that…

When it comes down to it, the ONLY thing that really matters is what YOU think!

Are you too old?  John Glenn and Werner Berger certainly didn’t think so – and I agree with them!

In the words of one of my favorites, W. Clement Stone:

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”


So, what are YOU about to conceive, believe and achieve?

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