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Twilight Zone

Twilight Zone-2LOL! This morning I awoke and my phone said it was 4:18am – although the clock in the room said it was 7:35am… I checked my emails on my phone and the last email that had arrived did so at 4:17am… So, I thought I would consult with my iPad that was also beside the bed… It promptly opened – confirmed it was indeed now 7:43am – and then crashed… Not one to be deterred, I came out to my laptop – after checking yet another clock and learning that yes, it was now 7:49am – turned the laptop on, only to have it tell me it couldn’t connect to the internet…

OK, I can take a hint! (eventually… LOL!) So, I turned everything off, unplugged it all, make myself a yummy breakfast and went back to bed to eat it!

It’s now 10:24am and all is well with the world…

Time to get to work…

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