Home » Blog » ‘Quantum Lace’ is a 2017 Literary Classics Book Awards FINALIST!

‘Quantum Lace’ is a 2017 Literary Classics Book Awards FINALIST!

Unlike most people, I actually enjoy checking my emails of a morning – primarily because I love what I do, the people with whom I work, and the really cool ‘stuff’ (technical word – LOL!) to which I have subscribed…

…and when I checked my emails this morning, I was greeted with an even greater gift – notification that Bridgit’s series has been named a 2017 Literary Classics Book Awards Finalist!

2017 Literary Classics Book Awards. Top Honors Book Awards. Book Award Finalist – Literary Classics Announced its 2017 list of book award recipients.

I will let you know if Bridgit manages to score an award..!

Thank you again to everyone who has read and loved the books…  I have already finished the research for book three…  Now I just need to knuckle down and write it… (or more precisely, get Bridgit to dictate…  LOL!  …and if you have no idea what I am talking about, then I guess you haven’t read the books!)

~ Bella

quantum lace book two
As I write this, I am sitting in a lovely penthouse in Italy (technically in Lido di Ostia, less than an hour from Rome and only two blocks from the Tyrrhenian Sea), researching the third book in my Quantum Lace series... ...and I completely forgot to let you know that…
A what???  A Kiva Loan! Kiva is an international non-profit, founded in 2005 and based in San Francisco, with a mission to connect people all over the world and through lending - not charity - to alleviate poverty. I am very much a believer in giving to people who are…

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