I live an amazing life many people say they could only dream of living… but when it comes down to it – therein actually lies one of the keys to living an extraordinary life – ‘dreaming’ that you can!
However, that’s where most people stop.
We have all heard that we must set goals that are realistic (I disagree with that word in relation to this subject), time-based (disagree in part with that notion), achievable (who’s to say what’s achievable?) etc…
When I am asked by people how I am able to travel the world, see and experience such amazing things… my response is that (a) I can work wherever I have wifi and (b) I made a decision some time ago (actually several years ago) that I didn’t want to be where I was (geographically, figuratively, financially, emotionally and physically) and so created a list of things that I DID want to be and experience – and it is that list upon which I focus pretty much daily…
That lead to my continually expanding my BUCKET LIST! http://luxuriousnomad.com/bucket-list/ (and just in the past couple of days, I have now added some items and checked some others off – expanding it to be over 600 items – about half of which I have already achieved).
Think about it – if you decide to go on a journey and you ask your GPS to give you directions – the GPS kinda needs to know WHERE you want to go in order to be of assistance.
That’s where the Bucket List comes in – it is essentially my road map of things I want to do – places I want to visit – experiences I want to have… but it is more than that…
We have all had times where we see a documentary of an amazing place and think, “I need to go there someday!” but how many of us actually capture that thought and add it to a list we are continually checking off? I do!
In addition to the Bucket List being a wonderful resource for achievement, we all have those days where the world gets just a little too big… and the list can be a wonderful tool to live an extraordinary life in these moments as well…
For me on those days (in addition to getting chocolate and a good bottle of red wine!) I read through the ‘done’ parts of my Bucket List.
It is amazing how inspirational it can be to reflect on what you have actually done and achieved in your life thus far…
“and what about being positive and happy as part of living an extraordinary life” I hear some ask…
Well, I have that covered in the Bucket List as well!
It doesn’t matter what you want in your life – to become a Luxurious Nomad like me travelling the world 24/7 (that has its pros and cons); whether it is to raise a wonderful family; build a phenomenal business; be the first person (that we know of! LOL!) to step on Mars…
What matters is that you capture WHAT YOU WANT! in some form of visual list – believe you can achieve it – and then take inspired action – EVERY SINGLE DAY – toward what you want.
It’s often not easy – but it is simple.
So, your action step – if you choose to accept this mission – is to review my Bucket List and then create one of your own – and put it somewhere you can and you WILL refer to it every single day…
As Yoda said…
~ Bella