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Appointed Official Photographer with Prestigious Bradt’s Travel Guide Company

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking that it would be wonderful to have my photos distributed to a wider audience…

Almost immediately, I learned (as I put in a post a few days ago) that The Guardian Newspaper had featured one of my photos; and then that seven of my photos were featured and shortlisted in the International Historical Photographer of the Year Awards…

and now…

The multi-award-winning Bradt’s Travel Guides has appointed me as an official photographer AND…

…they are featuring twenty-four of my photos in the upcoming newest edition of their “Slow Devon” book!

Since 1974, Bradt’s guides have been among the most loved guide books in (initially) England and then across the globe.  From their website: “Bradt has a reputation as a pioneer in tackling ‘unusual’ destinations, for championing the causes of sustainable travel, and for the high quality of its writing. Our books are intended to be as entertaining to read as they are useful reservoirs of tourist information. And they have personality. Each is a one-of-a-kind expression of the author’s interests, expertise and passion for telling it how it really is.”

Hilary Bradt has given so much to the field of tourism, that in 2008 she was awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) by HM Queen Elizabeth for Mrs Bradt’s services to the tourism industry and to charity.

I feel so incredibly privileged to be supporting such an icon of quality – by doing what I love!

~ Bella

I just received a message from a friend to tell me that one of my photos was featured in The Guardian newspaper..?  Having no idea how that could have come about, I went hunting...   Then, I come to discover my photo has been featured as part of The Guardian’s…
We often see advertisements telling of the sadness and lack in third-world countries, and asking for our help. Right or wrong, I have never been inclined to support those causes as, to me, it feels that my energy is going in the direction of focusing on the lack, rather than…