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Trafficked No More Documentary

I am honored to have been asked to produce the website and online promotional materials for the Nevada Sex Trafficking Awareness Campaign and the documentary, “Trafficked No More”.  (http://traffickednomore.org)


AB 67, signed into law by the Nevada Legislature on June 6, 2013, is a key component in the fight against sex trafficking in Nevada.

Many agencies and organizations have already begun to participate in educational campaigns including the Nevada Sex Trafficking Awareness Campaign led by Pastor Troy Martinez, founder of 10,000 Kids.

Additional groups involved include the Children’s Advocacy Alliance which has served as the facilitator of this statewide effort, local school districts, the Nevada Truckers Association, the faith based community, a variety of community partners, judges, law enforcement agencies and our media partners who have agreed to air a half hour education documentary, “Trafficked No More.”

For more information, please contact:

Pastor Troy Martinez

10,000 Kids Partnership
6450 E. Stewart Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89110



Here are some photos I took on Pawley's Island, SC the night before a full moon...       
Thanks to http://imgfave.com/view/812487 for this image... Think about it...  If you were put here to teach, what would you teach? Here are three ideas to help you start to answer that question: 1.  What do you love?  Dancing, painting, talking, inspiring, running..?  For now, don't think about whether you feel you could teach it,…

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