Have you written and self-published a book?
Then you might find this collection of book marketing ideas a handy resource – and I’m giving it to you for (almost) free! No strings, no need to sign up for anything…
My team of Elves and I work with writers and authors, coaching them through the process of turning their idea in to a book, and then turn those books into best-sellers. However, I always felt like I wanted to give them (and you) even more…
So, I compiled a heap of information I already had, links, ideas etc into this 179 page book.
Why make this collection of book marketing ideas only $0.99?
Good question! Have you heard of Seth Godin’s book, “Unleashing The Idea Virus”? Reportedly still the most downloaded ebook in history and now in 10 languages, I found Godin fascinating as, at the same time he was giving his book away for free, it was also a best-seller on several paid rankings. Now, admittedly, the book was published back in 2001, however to this day, it still does well as both a free and a paid ebook.
So what does that have to do with me giving you this book for only 99c?
Godin coined a paradox (and I will probably slightly misquote him), “the more you give something away, the more valuable you become” – and while it doesn’t apply in all circumstances, I felt that statement ring true for me – and white I would love to make the book free, 99c is the best I can do through CreateSpace and Amazon. One if my drivers is to share my knowledge and experience, and to be seen as valuable in the eyes of my customers, readers and following – and when I am valuable to them, they tend to be happy and that not only makes me happy, but they tend to be repeat customers and refer others to us – and that also makes me very happy! 🙂
So, with that in mind, I do hope you find some value in this book – and I would love it if you would post a review on Amazon!
DOWNLOAD KINDLE: If you would like to purchase the kindle version of the book, it’s only $0.99. Simply CLICK HERE.
Let me know what you think!