It’s funny… Countless people are scared at the thought of doing improv, but when you think about it LIFE is just like an improv session… No one knows what the other will do or say… The only real difference is that in improv you can’t say ‘no’…
How would your life be different if you had fun and went with the flow ~ just as if life really was an improv session?

Invest in your dream, do what it takes, believe in yourself... Even if you are knocked down, remember it's not over until your Dream is your Reality! Another video to inspire us all to be the best we can be...

On this day, December 8th, back in 1813, Beethoven premiered his Symphony 7 in A Major, Opus 92, at a charity concert in Vienna. The concert was in aid of wounded soldiers. If you've seen the movie, "The King's Speech" you will have heard the Allegretto movement (the entire piece is…