Do you ever have the feeling that there is never enough time to do and see and experience and explore and share everything you want to do and see and experience and explore and share?
Tonight watching a panel discussion on mathematics from the World Science Festival, it really hit home (yet again) how much there is to learn and explore – that I passionately want to learn and explore – and that’s in addition to growing my business that I love, spending time with people I love, doing things I love – and what a relatively small amount of time we have in which to do it…
…and I’m not talking about having to much to do – I’m talking about wanting to know more, do more, be more… simply for the pure love of knowing more, doing more and being more…
My friend, Tom Meloche wrote an interesting blog post about change and in it he mentioned that several hundred years ago in the time of DaVinci it really was possible to learn almost everything then universally known in just about every subject from mathematics to language etc… Whereas now, one could study a single subject for a lifetime and still not know everything that is universally known within that field of study.
…and while I do not desire to know all there is to know about every subject known to man, the amount of time required to study, research and discuss the number of subjects in which I do wish to become reasonably proficient greatly outnumbers the hours in a lifetime, no matter how long that life may be…
For instance, I studied Artificial Intelligence at Stanford for a semester just for fun – and LOVED it! Curled up in bed every evening before I go to sleep, I choose to watch a documentary or read a book that teaches me something FAR more often than I watch or read something that doesn’t…
I mean, seriously, you could put me in a library (remember them?) and I would have an active interest in at least 80% of the books on the shelves! Oh, well, at least I’m never bored!
How are you investing / spending YOUR time?
Sometimes ‘someday’ becomes ‘never’ – whatever you want to do, make sure you make the time for it… There are only so many tomorrows…

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