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2016 Kindle Book Awards

2016 kindle book awards2016 Kindle Book Award Details

This is the fifth annual Kindle Book Awards, and I would suggest anyone who has published a Kindle book consider entering.

The cost is minimal, and you never know…  YOUR book may be among the winners!

Here is the information from their website https://www.thekindlebookreview.net/2016-kindle-book-awards/#comment-12107:

WHEN: Registration Starts Feb. 15, 2016. Ends May 1, 2016
WHO: Any Independent and Small Press Author.
WHAT: eBooks published on Amazon between May 1, 2014 – May 1, 2016 (Must have Amazon Link to qualify).
MINIMUM WORD COUNT: 25K words (to allow for novellas in all categories)
COST: $29


  1. Books will be pre-screened by KBR staff and our amazing review team. We will initially read the “Look Inside” sample (90% of your score) and Amazon book description (10% of score). We’re looking for books with a compelling book description, but more importantly, books that “grab us from the beginning” and make us want to continue reading. The screening process is an indication of your potential buyers experience with your book, as subjective as that is. Book covers will only be judged to settle a tie.
  2. Your sample is enough for us to get a feel for the quality of writing and professionalism, and to get us excited about your book. Your book description should be compelling with zero typos. We recommend that you fix any typos on your book page and book file before submitting. We WILL NOT accept updated files after it is already submitted.
  3. If your book passes “pre-screening” it will become a “Semifinalists” (20 max per category) and one of our top reviewers who love your genre will read the manuscript in its entirety.
  4. NOTE: Advertising on our site will NOT help you win. Our screeners and review/judging team care nothing about ads. All we care about is finding the best books. That’s our quest, our passion. Of course, as always, literature is subjective and we hope you understand that.

 CATEGORIES: The following  genres & sub-genres are welcome (Min 25K words)

  1. Mystery/Thriller
  2. Romance
  3. Y/A
  4. Sci-fi/Fantasy
  5. Literary Fiction
  6. Horror/Suspense
  7. Non-Fiction

To keep reading for additional information on how to submit your book, please go to their website:


…and remember to drop us a line to let us know how you your book fared!

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